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GAMDauthor1_300This site is for those who have bought the book “Lower Blood Pressure Naturally: A Practical Guide To Lower Your Blood Pressure Permanently.” The book includes a step by step plan to lower your blood pressure in a few weeks. The plan is a lifestyle plan that includes a food plan and lists of thousands of foods that can lower your blood pressure. By following the plan you may be able to lower your blood pressure enough to go off medications or to avoid going on them in the first place. The Kindle book is available on Amazon at Lower Blood Pressure Naturally: A Practical Guide To Lower Your Blood Pressure

Glenn Allison M.D., has over 40 years of experience treating patients and is a former Associate Professor at the University of California, Irvine Medical School. He has been a member of multiple medical societies, and is board-certified in two surgical specialties. The author of multiple scientific medical publications, he now writes to make the science behind successful natural solutions to disease understandable and useful to the non-scientist. He offers practical simple solutions that anyone can apply. His first book is a practical guide to the natural solution to hypertension. Hypertension is the leading attributable risk factor for death worldwide, affecting over 1 billion people. It is caused by an imbalance in the modern Western diet. Correcting this imbalance by a relatively minor shift in diet can result in enormous improvements in health.